Pinterest and Polyvore are addicting!
I found Polyvore because I was asked by a good friend to help give her some ideas for her nursery. I am honored she asked and excited to help. I was thinking, "How am I going to show her any ideas I have?" Polyvore to the rescue! You just click on the wonderful icon "Clip to Polyvore" and there it is. So simple. I decided to practice and make one for my current project, Caleb's new bathroom. Here are my ideas. I already have the artwork! It is by John W. Golden. You can get the art straight from the artist at ETSY here. It is the same art at Land of Nod, but sold straight from the artist in multiple sizes!

You can check out every source in this inspiration board at Polyvore, here.
Um, this is SO, SO cool! What a fabulous idea! I bet your friend is super excited about this. ;), Heather