Today is Friday! Yay! And I would like to feature my fellow crafter and friend, Lyschel Burket. She makes the awesome little button bouquets that I thought would make perfect Valentine’s Day gifts or just because. So sweet! I asked Lyschel to share a little about herself and her wonderful craft. And you can check it all out at her ETSY shop, A Believer’s Beauties by clicking here. Read all about it below!
My name is Lyschel Burket and I am a 32 year old stay at home mom with two amazing little girls. I find my sanity at my craft table in the corner of my living room. Although it looks like mayhem to most, it is a sanctuary to me. I wish I could say that I have always loved crafting but that would be a lie. I started crafting after college when I was single and living on my own. I found myself needing something to do to keep my mind occupied and crafting seemed to be the perfect medicine. I love to “dabble” in all different types of art, from ceramics to wool felting, but I enjoy working with fabrics the most. I mean who doesn’t love to just go and stand in a fabric isle and look at all the patterns? Anyone? Just me huh?:)
I get my inspiration from the Lord and the beauty he puts around me. Many of my pieces come with a background story of how the image came to me, or the story behind a specific verse I have stitched. I love when things become more than just an object to look pretty but they become a story. Another unique thing I love to bring to my crafting is the repurposing of things. I love to take something simple and repurpose it like saltshaker as a vases or an old barn window as a frame. It’s weird how I have an eye for making something new out of something ordinary.
My latest creations are the button bouquets. I began making them with just button flowers. Putting several buttons on wire and putting them in a vase. People loved them and they were very unique. I got the idea from my mother -in-law who had made one from old buttons herself. I then began to play with them and adding wool and felt flowers to the mix. More recently, I have started mixing fabric yo-yo’s in. I just love the versatility of them. I love how something so small can bring such color and joy to a space. They are the flowers that never die!
They are great gifts or personal touches to your space. If you would like a custom one made for you please don’t hesitate to ask.
Check out the button bouquets here!
Thanks Lyschel for sharing!